Compliance & Analytics
For FedEx Linehaul

Automate compliance, including IVMRs, IFTA and minimum wage compliance.

Combine settlement and telematics data to unlock new operational insights.

Trusted by hundreds of FedEx TSPs, you're in good company.

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Trusted By 700+ FedEx TSPs

Founded by an ex-contractor, we were the first to automated IVMRs in 2018.

We haven't stopped innovating since to make FedEx TSPs more efficient and more profitable.

Founded The Linehaul Summit

To help TSPs learn best practices, we founded The Linehaul Summit in 2022.

The Linehaul Summit is where contractors network, share best practices and meet innovative vendors.

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Fleet Wide Intelligence

Fleet Wide Intelligence

What Our Customers Say

TruckSpy IO saves me time and money by consolidating my IMVR reporting, provide data analytics to analyze my fleet's efficiency and assist with maintenance scheduling.


It is lightyears ahead of where we were and saves us an enormous amount of time to administer IFTA and logging daily miles and state line crossings. Our drivers don't know it is in the truck with them but they know they don't have to track anything like they used to do. We view this as a great Safety Feature in preventing one more distraction to our drivers.


Truckspy saves us many hours of time weekly by automating state mileage and driver hour reports. The reports are accurate and have withstood an audit. I don't have fuel purchases tied to my account yet, but look forward to doing that soon to take advantage of state fuel/mile reports to simplify IFTA tax returns.


Ready To Get Started?

30-Day Free Trial

A fleet-wide single source of truth for settlement, telematics, maintenance and safety data.


per truck per month
$50 account minimum

Business analytics
Manage maintenance
Safety Automations
Wage & time reporting